
We at All Green Centre are so proud of our recent work to help on increasing the presence of the environmental issues in the public attention, and we’d like to thank our supporters for trusting in us. 

However, our mission to bring people close to nature for a sustainable development is full time undertaking! We need your help to continue our work. 

If you’d like to make a donation for our work, please find the bank details below:

Any and all support is greatly appreciated. We’re just excited to get to work!

Thank you for being a part of our community and our story.

Bank Account Information:

Center for the Protection of Environment and Sustainable Development (All Green Centre)

Bank: CREDINS BANK sh.a., rruga “Vasho Pasha”, Nr. 8, Tiranë

Account No. (ALL): 000013522979

IBAN: AL19 2121 1195 0000 0000 0135 2979